Schwarzweiß-Bilder und andere - Black and white and others

 Bubble, Burnaby, BC, Canada, Sep 2018 - F 10, 1/400 s, 1.5x 35 mm, ISO 200

This huge bubble from a bubble show in Burnaby Village Museum floated through the air above us. I especially like the strong contrast between its structure and the sky and clouds.

 Sea Otter feeding on Crab, Bennett Bay, Mayne Island, BC, Canada, Jan 2016 - F 8, 1/400 s, 1.5x 500 mm, ISO 500

During a walk on Mayne Island I heard a crushing sound from the shore of Bennett Bay. I soon noticed a sea otter on a rock feeding on a crab. Quickly changing to my 500 mm lens I managed to get some great close up shots while the otter finished its feast.